Junior’s Competition


• Abstracts must be submitted through the online form you will find on this web page.
• Abstracts will only be accepted in English.
• The age requirement for application is under 35 years old.
• The abstract will be submitted under the complete acceptance of the submission criteria.
• The MSOA Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject any abstract, if it does not meet these criteria.
• A maximum of 10 co-authors (including the presenting author) can sign the Abstract.
• The abstracts will have a limit of 2000 characters (controlled by the form).
• The presenting author shall indicate the presentation format: oral communication or poster. However, the Scientific Committee will decide over the final format.
• Oral communications will acount with 6-minute presentation of your work followed by questions, in a Chaired session with other presenters.
• Posters will be displayed with others according to the topic you have chosen. The organization will inform the presenting author, in due time, the date and time you need to be available to discuss any matter related to your poster with other colleagues participating on the conference.
• Posters format will be: 1.50 m. high - 0,80 m. wide. The Organizing Committee might decide to pass the poster format to Electronic posters. In this case, the authors will be informed in due time.
• The presenting Author must choose one of the listed thematic areas: A. Otology B. Audiology and Vestibulogy C. Phoniatrics
• Please avoid diagrams, illustrations, tables, references or graphics in the abstract. Provide maximum relevant information in the abstract and if the subject matter is empirical, the following structure is obligatory: The objective, methods, results, conclusions.
• Please indicate a maximum of 4 keywords for your abstract.
• The presenting author can attach to the form a document on PDF or JPG format of maximum 10 MB.